Note: As of November 30th, 2012, the Robert Wood Johnson Physician Faculty Scholars program has closed.

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Ashish Jha, M.D., M.P.H.

Associate Professor, Internal Medicine
Harvard Medical School
2006-2009 Cohort
Project Title: Understanding Hospitals That Serve Minority Populations

About the Project:

This project examined the hospitals that disproportionately care for black and Hispanic Americans and examined their strengths and challenges in providing high quality care.


Ashish Jha, M.D., M.P.H. is Associate Professor of Health Policy and Management in the Department of Health Policy and Management at the Harvard School of Public Health. He is also an Associate Professor of Medicine at Harvard Medical School, associate physician at Boston’s Brigham and Women’s Hospital and VA Boston Healthcare System.  Over the past three years, he has served as Special Advisor for Quality and Safety to the Department of Veterans Affairs.

Dr. Jha received his M.D. degree from Harvard Medical School in 1997 and trained in Internal Medicine at the University of California, San Francisco where he also served as Chief Medical Resident.  He completed his General Medicine fellowship from Brigham and Women’s Hospital and Harvard Medical School and received his M.P.H. in Clinical Effectiveness from Harvard School of Public Health in 2004.  He joined the faculty in July, 2004. 

Dr. Jha is a practicing general internist with a clinical focus on hospital care. The major themes of his research include: 1) Quality of care provided by health care systems with a focus on safety, efficiency, and effectiveness; 2) Health information technology as a tool to reduce disparities and improve the quality, efficiency, and safety of care; 3) Disparities in care, with a focus on the quality of care provided by minority-serving providers; and 4) Hospital governance and its impact on quality of care. 

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